Do you living a life where it is hard to lose weight?
Have you been working out everyday and still having the same result?
Are you tired of restricting you food?


First, you need to know what are the factors that causes you to hard to lose weight.
Take time, relax, and open up be honest to your beauty self.
It could be : work, sleep, relationship, etc, etc, etc........

Next step, find your motivation, what is the reason(s) for you to lose weight?
Could be : health, beauty, confidence, relationship, etc, etc, etc................

This is the critical part of every thing, your LABELS about types of FOOD; the GOOD and BAD FOOD.

You need to realise that everything goes according to your thinking whether it is right or wrong, and what you feel about it.
You should go and fix your mind-set about food.
Remind youself that you deserve every food you want in your beautiful life. <3

Keep in mind :
You are the master of your life. Fix your mind about Food and we can talk to HOW....
(on the next post!!!)

Intermittent Fasting


I found that intermittent fasting is the easy way to lose a lot of weights, but besides that discovery Intermittent Fasting really benefits our body functional.

Here are several reasons why you have to try IF :

  • Speed up metabolism by drinking a lot of plain water up to the period of EAT TIME
  • Have the energetic body while fasting
  • Lose weights in EASIER WAY!
  • Easy to do
  • Can eat ANYTHING you want
  • You can have your dinner
  • Glucose controlled
  • Body weight controlled
  • and so many...
You can find a lot of explaining about IF on the internet.

I challenge you to do 1 week of Intermittent Fasting with applying those four rules (see my other page) and this can transform your life quickly.
Remember, you have to be consistent about this and stay in focus toward your goals.

This can help your life.
Help yourself to be healthier and better.

Stay fit!

Type of anatomic body -Mesomorph


Mesomorphs could be thought of as the “genetically gifted”. They are characterized by an athletic, strong, compact and naturally lean body. They have excellent posture. Often, their shoulders are wider than their hips and women tend to have an hourglass figure. Mesomorphs are natural born athletes and tend to be lean and muscular without trying. They generally are described as being of “medium” build. The world’s leading tennis players, figure skaters and bodybuilders fall into this group.


  • Naturally lean
  • Naturally muscular
  • Naturally strong
  • Medium size joints/ bones
  • Wider at the shoulders than the hips – i.e. chest dominates over abdominal area
  • Broad/ square shoulders
  • Female mesomorph: defined hourglass figure
  • Male mesomorph: V or rectangular shape
  • Efficient metabolism
  • Gaining muscle is almost effortless
  • Losing fat is almost effortless
  • Responds quickly to exercise


It is a great advantage to have mesomorphic qualities, as one has great foundations on which to build. Mesomorphs don’t have to worry too much about what they eat and they can gain muscle mass and lose weight fairly quickly with relatively easily. This combination allows the mesomorph to achieve fantastic definition of the body. However, as easily as you lose fat, you gain fat also. Janet Jackson is a good example of someone who has struggled with fluctuating weight, but when determined is able to lose weight relatively quickly and look incredibly defined and boast amazing abs.

A SECRET - How to lose weight 10kgs in a week!


Hi guys... you might be wondering how to lose your weight in a period of time.
You always try to figure out what to do for losing weights, what exercises that are needed, which diets, and bla bla bla...

I tell what? It is possible to lose 10kgs in a week ! It is POSSIBLE if you do this exactly what i tell you.

This is my experience.
I've been in fitness world for about 5 years since 2012. I have been trying a lot of diets and exercises at the several first years. I have a normal type of anatomic body -mesomorph (for more information click the link) which means, when I eat a lot i gain weights and when I eat less I lost weight.
Seems easy to manage and control it, right?
But at the other side, I am a girl who loves food, like... a lot.
I want to take balance of my body weights and have muscles and shapes as well.

Here's what i do to lose weight when I gain a lot of weights :
This is the secret :  INTERMITTENT FASTING
Absolutely easy to do !
So basiclly, this is a way to control the time or period of food intake and a long break of no food.
I personally, apply this four rules while doing this type of diet.

  1. 16hours no food/no calorie intake/fasting , you can drink plain water. Then you have 8 hours to eat.
  2. 18hours no food/no calorie intake/fasting , you can drink plain water. Then you have 6 hours to eat.
  3. 20hours no food/no calorie intake/fasting , you can drink plain water. Then you have 4 hours to eat.
  4. fasting for 24hours without no food and no calorie intake.

How this works?

  • Set your alarm to plan your EAT TIME. But it should be start at 12pm or 2pm and so on. For example, if you start your EAT TIME at 2 pm and you apply second rule you can eat until 8pm. Easy right? no need to skip dinner.
  • Remember! No calories intake in your fasting period except plain water.
  • This is a huge advantage that you can eat anything while Intermittent Fasting but only that period of EAT TIME. I mean ANYTHING!
  • If you want to maximize your weight lose, do some exercises in the morning. It can be anything as long as you get active, increase heart-rate, and get sweaty.
  • Also, take a lot of protein, fruits and vegetables and less carbs to speed up your metabolism and weight lost.
  • Last. CONSISTENCY. Make this type of diet as your daily life style. Get used to it. It is okay if you get dizziness 'cause of no calorie intake in the morning. It is just your body starts to get used to it to take glucose from itself.


see through the workout or exercises plan..... >
Much Love...

Persiapan untuk ikut test IELTS

Ini persiapan saya untuk ikut IELTS test di bulan Februari 2017.
Persiapan saya hanya satu bulan saja. Sungguh nekad hahaha.

Well, saya cuman practice pake IELTS Cambridge 7-11. Kalian bisa search di google and download ebook dan audio gratis dan untuk memudahkan sebaiknya kalian print out ebooknya.

Tips for listening :
Untuk listening kalian harus latihan tiap hari, saya saranin langsung aja soal dari cambridge book.
Kalian harus fokus dan sangat berkonsentrasi dan ga boleh lengah sedetik pun karena bisa ketinggalan jawaban untuk beberapa soal.

Tips for reading :
Maybe this is the harder part for some people. Disini kalian harus banyak latihan reading passage dan juga latihan tipe-tipe soal di reading section.

Tips for writing :
Kalian bisa download writing sample yang sudah di periksa oleh examineer. Bisa di download di google.

Tips for speaking :
Well, kalian harus banyak practice speaking untuk fluency kalian saat berbicara dan tidak terbata-bata.
Download ato streaming video speaking di youtube sangat membantu.

I hope this is helpful for you guys.
These are some of my sources (they are great) :
You can learn a lot from these websites.
Good luck!
