Jealousy & Envy

(Ego, Emotion)

Both of emotions reflect of lack. It's the feeling states such a painful emotion.

Jealousy and envy can only arise when we were holding the perspective that we're separated from other people.

1. We only feel jealousy when we feel envy, when we're perceiving lack.

    Consciously change your attention or perspective.

2. Think other alternative to get what we want and need.

3. Never expect yourself not to feel this way. It's okay to be feel this way.

    Your emotions are always the perfect reflection of your thinking.

    Self-esteem - Self-love

4. Overcome shame.

5. Healthy comparison thinking for healthy competition.

6. Make gratitude and thankful for what you love.

7. Be open.

    It is shadow aspect of human being - jealousy and envy. It costs to lose power, limited perspectives.

8. Switch your attention to generosity to other people. Give something to other.
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