Hi guys... you might be wondering how to lose your weight in a period of time.
You always try to figure out what to do for losing weights, what exercises that are needed, which diets, and bla bla bla...

I tell what? It is possible to lose 10kgs in a week ! It is POSSIBLE if you do this exactly what i tell you.

This is my experience.
I've been in fitness world for about 5 years since 2012. I have been trying a lot of diets and exercises at the several first years. I have a normal type of anatomic body -mesomorph (for more information click the link) which means, when I eat a lot i gain weights and when I eat less I lost weight.
Seems easy to manage and control it, right?
But at the other side, I am a girl who loves food, like... a lot.
I want to take balance of my body weights and have muscles and shapes as well.

Here's what i do to lose weight when I gain a lot of weights :
This is the secret :  INTERMITTENT FASTING
Absolutely easy to do !
So basiclly, this is a way to control the time or period of food intake and a long break of no food.
I personally, apply this four rules while doing this type of diet.

  1. 16hours no food/no calorie intake/fasting , you can drink plain water. Then you have 8 hours to eat.
  2. 18hours no food/no calorie intake/fasting , you can drink plain water. Then you have 6 hours to eat.
  3. 20hours no food/no calorie intake/fasting , you can drink plain water. Then you have 4 hours to eat.
  4. fasting for 24hours without no food and no calorie intake.

How this works?

  • Set your alarm to plan your EAT TIME. But it should be start at 12pm or 2pm and so on. For example, if you start your EAT TIME at 2 pm and you apply second rule you can eat until 8pm. Easy right? no need to skip dinner.
  • Remember! No calories intake in your fasting period except plain water.
  • This is a huge advantage that you can eat anything while Intermittent Fasting but only that period of EAT TIME. I mean ANYTHING!
  • If you want to maximize your weight lose, do some exercises in the morning. It can be anything as long as you get active, increase heart-rate, and get sweaty.
  • Also, take a lot of protein, fruits and vegetables and less carbs to speed up your metabolism and weight lost.
  • Last. CONSISTENCY. Make this type of diet as your daily life style. Get used to it. It is okay if you get dizziness 'cause of no calorie intake in the morning. It is just your body starts to get used to it to take glucose from itself.


see through the workout or exercises plan..... >
Much Love...
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